GNSS Settings Advanced Real-time Signal Generation Pro

Click GNSS node, and specify Advanced Real-time Signal Generation Pro for Capability cell.

Keysight Signal Studio for GNSS will display the following Toolbar Functions and Parameters.

Toolbar Functions

Disable Query


1. Capability

2. Scenario Settings

3. GPS Settings


Elevation Mask Angle

Troposphere Model

Ionosphere Model

Ionosphere Parameters

Scenario Type

NMEA Message File

Trajectory Mode

Receiver Longitude

Receiver Latitude

Receiver Altitude

Start GPS Time

Satellite Power Reference

L1 Signal

L5 Signal

GPS Almanac File

Toolbar Functions

Disable Query

This button is used to disable (or enable) the query. It is inactive prior to playing the signal. If the query is disabled, the software will cease to report the playing status.


1. Capability


Choice: Basic Single Satellite Waveform | Basic Multi-satellite Waveform | Advanced Real-time Signal Generation | Advanced Real-time Signal Generation Pro

Default: Advanced Real-time Signal Generation

Basic Single Satellite Waveform

Selects a pre-generated single satellite waveform file and downloads it to the instrument for playback.

Basic Multi-Satellite Waveform Selects a pre-generated multi-satellite waveform file and downloads it to the instrument for playback.

Advanced Real-time Signal Generation

Loads in a scenario file and generates a real-time GNSS signal, or provides continuous real-time scenario generation based on the Scenario Generator node settings. The Scenario Source selection determines whether to use a file or continuous real-time generation.

Advanced Real-time Signal Generation Pro

Select the capability of GNSS signal simulation. Basic mode generates and downloads user defined single satellite waveform or multi-satellite waveform to instrument for playback. Advanced mode plays real-time navigation signal based on user selected scenario file or static signal based on satellite settings. Advanced Pro mode plays real-time GPS L1+L5 navigation signal with real-time scenario generation.

Select the capability of GNSS signal simulation. Basic mode generates and downloads user defined single satellite waveform or multi-satellite waveform to instrument for playback. Advanced mode plays real-time navigation signal based on user selected scenario file or static signal based on satellite settings.

2. Scenario Settings

Elevation Mask Angle

Range: -30.00 degrees to 30.00 degrees

Default: 5.00 degrees

Enter the angle above the horizon which constitutes valid satellite data. Satellites below this angle will not be used. Increasing this angle will reduce the number of visible satellites in the generated scenario.


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:EMANgle <value>


Troposphere Model

Choice: No Model | NATO

Default: No Model

Select the troposphere model applied to satellite signals in the generated scenario.




Ionosphere Model

Choice: No Model | Klobuchar

Default: No Model

Select the Ionosphere model applied to satellite signals in the generated scenario.




Ionosphere Parameters

This property displays Alpha[n] and Beta[n] values configured for the selected Ionosphere Model.


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:IONOsphere:ALPHa <index>,<value>


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:IONOsphere:BETA <index>,<value>


Scenario Type

Choice: Static | Dynamic

Default: Static

Select the scenario type to be generated. Static scenario will be generated for a static GPS receiver with fixed longitude, latitude and altitude. Dynamic scenario will be generated for a moving GPS receiver based on the provided trajectory data.




NMEA Message File

Select a NMEA message file for dynamic scenario creation, which contains GGA messages only or both GGA and RMC messages generated by a GPS receiver. The recommended sampling rate of input NMEA message file is 0.1 to 20 Hz. The minimum sampling points in the file is 3.




Trajectory Mode

Choice: Hold Last Location | Round Trip | Auto Rewind.

Default: Hold Last Location

Select the mode of importing NMEA data into scenario generation. When the NMEA message file reaches the end, user can choose to hold at the last location, or make an auto rewind to the beginning, or make a round trip back.




Receiver Longitude

Enter the initial longitude in degrees of GPS receiver position to be simulated in a static scenario. Enter a positive number for East and negative number for West or a positive number with W/E appended.


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:LONgitude <value>


Receiver Latitude

Enter the initial latitude in degrees of GPS receiver position to be simulated in a static scenario. Enter a positive number for North and negative number for South or a positive number with N/S appended.


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:LATitude <value>


Receiver Altitude

Range: -100 to 15000000m

Default: 100m

Enter the initial altitude in meters of GPS receiver position to be simulated in a static scenario.


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:ALTitude <value>


Start GPS Time

Enter the start date and the GPS time for the scenario simulation. Start date time must be later than 1980-01-06 00:00:00. Start date time is automatically updated by TOA information in the selected almanac files. For dynamic scenarios, start time is automatically updated by the first GGA message in the selected NMEA file. User can ignore the auto-updated date time and manually enter their own value, but it's recommended to use the same date as almanac date and make the start time on a 6 second boundary.








Satellite Power Reference

Range: -144 dBm to 0 dBm. (The range may vary according to the external attenuation settings)

Default: -130 dBm

For Advanced mode: this property sets a reference power level on instrument's front panel. Power levels of all the satellites and interference tones will be relative to this reference level. It's recommended to set this value to the possible highest power level of individual satellite or interference tone across the test.

For Basic mode: this property sets the power of each satellite for equal power control; sets the power for the satellite which has the maximum power in the first record of the scenario for range-based power control.


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:POWer:REF <value>


External Attenuation

Range: 0 dB to 100 dB.

Default: 0 dB

Enter the attenuation value of the external attenuator if connected to instrument's RF port. Then the external attenuation will be compensated, which means the amplitude of the instrument output will be set to the sum of satellite power reference and external attenuation.

No SCPI command for this parameter.

3. GPS Settings

L1 Signal

Choice: L1C/A | Off

Default: L1C/A

Select the GPS L1 signal to be played.

No SCPI command for this parameter.

L5 Signal

Choice: L5I + L5Q | L5I | L5Q | Off

Default: L5I + L5Q

Select the GPS L5 signal to be played.

No SCPI command for this parameter.

GPS Almanac File

Select GPS almanac data file in YUMA format for scenario creation.


[:SOURce]:RADio:GNSSPRO[:BBG]:GPS:ALManac "string"


Advanced Real-time Signal Generation Pro Overview

Testing L1+L5 Dual-Band GPS Receiver